Conformity and modification of personal data in the issued ticket.
The person booking the ticket is responsible for the accuracy of the passenger's personal data entered in the reservation.
1. In case of an error made in the ticket issued, such as: the number of the passenger's transport document, the type of document, the date of birth (unless the mistake resulted in the modification of the Passenger category - child up to 2 years (infant), child between 2 and 12 years (child), adult (adult)), date of issue of the document, validity period and sex of the passenger, FLYONE allows the correction of such errors only at the airport check-in desk, with condition that during check-in, the passenger informs the agent at the check-in desk about mistakes made when the booking was made . Correction of errors made regarding the date of birth of the passenger, in accordance with the aforementioned procedure, the correction of which results in a change in the category of passengers (see above) is not allowed. In this case, in order to obtain the refund of the cost of the ticket booked with such errors, the fare rules according to which the ticket was purchased will apply.
2. If the passenger or the person who made the reservation identifies an error in the passenger's first or last name in the ticket already issued, and the total number of proposed corrections does not exceed 3 characters and phonetically the name does not change, the passenger will not pay the name change fee, but only the registration fee according to the tariff mark applied in its reservation. The registration fee will not be applied if the passenger is registered online for the flight and holds the boarding pass in the format requested by the company. If the proposed number of corrections exceeds 3 characters and the name is phonetically distorted, the passenger will pay the name change fee of 70 euros, and if the error is detected during the passenger's registration at the airport, he will be obliged to pay both the name change fee, amounting to 70 euros, as well as the fee of 36-40 euros for check-in.
*The name correction/change cannot be applied to a partially used ticket.
3. The passenger whose name / surname is incorrectly indicated on the ticket issued and who did not follow the correction procedure mentioned in this paragraph will not be admitted for the flight.