Passenger Types

Flyone flight

Children and infants

FLYONE fee for infants aged between 0 and 23 months is 25EUR, (45.00 EUR FROM STN, BCN, MAD AIRPORTS ONLY)

Children aged between 2 and 11 years will get a discount of 20% from STANDARD and 25% from LOYAL or ADVANTAGE packages purchased by adults. Please be aware of exceptions from rules for unaccompanied minors or in cases when special/promotional fares are applied.

Additional information can be obtained from the FLYONE Call Center, phone number 373 22 100003.

Flyone flight

Unaccompanied minors

UMNR is a special service offered by FLYONE for unaccompanied minors. UMNR service is mandatory for following unaccompanied minors:

- Children  between the age of  5 and 18, citizens of the Republic of Moldova
- Children between the age of  5 and 12, foreign citizens.

Requirements for UMNRs who are citizens of the Republic of Moldova:
- Prior confirmation from the carrier that shall be requested through reservation systems;
- Guaranteed payment for the service (please address to FLYONE representatives or authorised agencies for details);
- Statement for border crossing on behalf of parents or appointed guardian (for detailed information please address to FLYONE Call Center – 022100003).

Requirements for UMNRs who are not citizens of Republic of Moldova:
- Prior confirmation from the carrier that shall be requested through reservation systems;
- Guaranteed payment for the service (please address to FLYONE representatives or authorised agencies for details).

An UMNR form shall be properly issued and the parent or appointed guardian shall remain at the airport until the flight departure.

Due to safety reasons UMNRs cannot be seated in emergency exit rows.

Children under 5 years cannot be accepted as UMNRs.

In order to have a pleasant flight experience, please check additional legal requirements of the minor’s country of residence, departure, arrival and/or transit countries. Service cost – 70 EURO per flight. 

* This service cannot be offered for the destination Chisinau-Paris, Paris-Chisinau

Flyone flight

Pregnant women

FLYONE Company accepts pregnant women only up to 35 (inclusive) week of pregnancy.

A pregnant passenger between the 28th and 35th week has to provide mandatory medical certificate confirming that the passenger is fit for air travel. Please note that the medical certificate must be issued within 72 hours before the flight.

For safety reasons, pregnant women cannot be seated on emergency exit rows.

Flyone flight

Passengers with reduced mobility

Accepting persons with locomotor disabilities on board is based on two main factors.

These are:
- The ability of the handling agent to provide such kind of services (the necessary equipment and the instructed personnel)
- Limitations (the maximum number of PRM on board, depending of the airplane type and acceptance on board of certain PRM categories)

Ensuring the comfort for a person with disabilities during a flight involves a series of factors like the health condition of the passenger, the required equipment, the carrier and the type of the aircraft.

This is why the passenger must request the service for the people with disabilities with at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled departure, so that the carrier can make all the necessary arrangements. The given request can be made during booking, when the agent introduces all the necessary information.

In case the passenger has certain diseases, considered medical cases, the company FLYONE will additionally request medical certificates that attest the health state of the passenger. Therefore, the special MEDIF form will be completed by the passenger's doctor and sent to the company.

It is very important to us to know to what extent your mobility is reduced. You can find some guidance in the three categories in order to establish the disability degree:
WCHR – Wheelchair Ramp: the passenger requests the wheelchair for long distances and is capable to climb stairs without assistance;
WCHS – Wheelchair Steps: the passenger can walk short distances, but cannot climb stairs;
WCHC – Wheelchair Cabin: the passenger requires permanent assistance. S/He cannot get on board without assistance and the wheelchair is a strong necessity.

In case the disabled passenger is going to travel with the personal wheelchair, s/he will contact the transporter in order to inform on the weight, dimensions and other special characteristics (pliable/non-pliable, sport/electrically auctioned, etc).

The electrically powered wheelchairs, working on a battery, are accepted on board on special conditions. First of all, these batteries need to be dry or with gel to avoid liquid leakage and must be disassembled in order to be separately isolated, before taking off. The electrical wheelchairs, powered by wet or lithium batteries will not be accepted on board.

The company FLYONE accepts the mobility equipment (wheelchair, crutches or auxiliary equipment) on board free of charge. The equipment is transported only in the luggage department.

The passengers with hearing and visual impairments

If the passenger has (partial) hearing or visual impairment, it is recommended that s/he informs the agent/company, when booking the ticket in order to receive proper assistance. There is no need to present any confirming medical document.

The passengers with total hearing or visual impairment can travel only if accompanied. The passengers with reduced mobility or sensorial perception deficiencies can express their preference for some seats. Out of legal reasons related to the flight’s safety, they can be restricted on certain rows (for example: the safety exits).
Flyone flight

Infant without seat

The fare for children aged 0-23 months is 25 euros (regardless of the applied tariff group).

A discount of 25% from the base fare will be applied for children aged between 2 and 11 years if accompanied by adults.

Additional information can be obtained at FLYONE Call Center, 373 22 100003.

Flyone flight

Transporting pets

FLYONE accepts to transport dogs and cats only with the company’s prior agreement. Their transportation will be made in special containers only in the cabin. Transporting animals in the luggage department is prohibited.

Special conditions of transportation in/from Great Britain, Ireland, United Arab Emirates and Portugal make this task impossible to the company.

When buying the ticket, the passenger needs to inform the agent about the intention of transporting pets. An additional fee of 70 EUR will be perceived for transporting animals, so that the total weight of the pets, their food and containers will not be included in the free luggage weight limit.

The total weight of the container, admitted to the transportation, must not exceed 8 kg and 115 cm (50 x 40 x 25).

In order to be accepted on board, the passenger needs to sign a special declaration, stating the fact that s/he assumes all the responsibility for transporting pets. Only one pet per passenger can be accepted for transportation.

The airline company cannot be held responsible for injuring, loosing, sickness or death of the transported animal and for not being accepted to the destination in the transition point.

In order to transport pets, the passenger needs to comply with the following conditions and present the documents:
- pets’ passports
- special certificates of the animal’s health
- vaccination register
- the export/import/transit permits
- pets need to have an electronic device (transponder) or a visible tattoo

The passengers that travel with animals to the EU countries from non-EU countries must comply with the requests for animals’ transportation according to the Rules (CE) Nr. 998/2003 that include the following:
- identification: the transported animal must be identified through an electronic device (transponder) and have a health certificate issued by an officially authorized veterinarian from the country of origin (or at re-entering EU with an EU type passport), which attests the validity of the rabies vaccination and compliance with all the sanitary norms from these rules 
- rabies vaccination: the animal must have the rabies vaccination and an afterward blood analysis in order to identify the anti-bodies in the blood and thus, verify the efficacy of the vaccine. The test can be performed at least 30 days after the vaccination and three months before travelling in a laboratory authorized by CE.

Note: the three months waiting period is not applied in case of re-entering EU of an animal whose passport certifies the positive blood test prior to the animal leaving EU

No animals smaller than 7 (seven) months, who have not received the rabies vaccine and did not have the blood test, will be admitted to transportation

In order to transport pets, the passenger needs to take into account the following:

The pet must:
- be clean, healthy, not dangerous
- not be pregnant
- not bother the passengers
- be booked at least 24 hours prior to the flight
- must be in an adequate container, must be able to sit on its legs naturally, turn, lay down (except the guide pets)
- be transported in the cabin and not in the luggage department

The container:
- is prohibited to be placed on a seat
- maximum weight of the container and animal must not exceed 8 kg
- maxim dimension must not exceed 115 cm (25 x 40 x 50)
- be bought by the passenger (belong to him)
- be well ventilated, well fixed, made of a rough material, with an absorbing floor, which cannot be easily destroyed by animals (excluded: cardboard boxes for cats)

When buying the container, the passenger must take into account the animal’s dimensions, according to the following indications:

If you intend to transport pets, we recommend you to consult the veterinary service of the Chisinau Airport, prior to the flight, on the number + 373 22 52-54-89 

Traveling to Israel with Pets

In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the State of Israel, import and/or entrance of pets, dogs providing support/guidance/ emotional support that are flown to the State of Israel are required to have a flight permit provided by the Veterinary Services Department within the Ministry of Agriculture.

It is the passenger's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits and present them at check-in. If the passenger does not present the “Authorization to fly with pet” from the Israel veterinary authorities, the company will not accept the animal for carriage and FLYONE will not bear any responsibility. This authorization will contain information on the departure date and flight number and it is valid for one time entry.

The informative document with all details on guidelines regarding importing cats and dogs to Israel with all annexes necessary to be completed and sent to Israel veterinary authorities, available here

To obtain the necessary permits, please contact the Veterinary Services Department at Ben-Gurion Airport up to 48 hours before the flight:


Tel. +972 39792240

For more details visit the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development page - click here (Hebrew and English).

Traveling from Israel with Pets

For full details about Veterinary Services guidelines regarding exporting animals from Israel – click here (Hebrew).

Flyone flight


In accordance with the Agreement on Visa regime Liberalisation (EU Regulation 259/2014 of the European Parliament) passengers departing from Moldova will present mandatory:
– Round-trip airline ticket
– Medical insurance during the visit
– Invitation (if applicable) or hotel reservation valid during the visit
– Sufficient financial means per stay

Failure to comply can lead to the inadmissibility (entry ban) of passengers on EU territory by foreign authorities and transportation by air to Chisinau International Airport.

In this case, according to national and international law, passengers are obliged to pay the return fare and expenses incurred by the airline

For more details, please visit the page of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration

We remind you that the proper presentation of travel documents is the full responsibility of the passenger.